Lucas Kaliszan's profile

iWantToEat! iPhone App

A new innovative iPhone Cooking Application
"Every single or student knows the situation when you are hungry und you open
your refrigerator and nothing else is in it except of some onions, eggs, tomatoes
and other stuff...

We've got the best solution for it!!!
iWantToEat! is a new innovative iPhone Cooking App!

You only have to do the following steps:

1. Open the iWantToEat! App on your iPhone
2. Click on "Aufnahme" and you will become the camera screen
3. Make some pictures of your last foodstuff.
4. Shake your iPhone like a (Polaroid Picture)
    (In the meantime the App will search a meal for you with the food you already photographed)
5. The app will show you the results on the next screen "Rezepte"
6. Now you can take a look about the meals and touch the one which you prefer
7. Then you will see a screen with a detailed picture of the meal and when you scroll it down you come to the   
        ingedients and the preparation "Zutaten" and "Zubreitung"
8. Let's begin with the cooking!

Detail View
Icon Screen
Start Screen
Menu Screen
Aufnahme Screen
Rezepte Screen
Gericht Screen
Zutaten Screen
Zubereitung Screen
Coming Soon for Android OS !!!
iWantToEat! iPhone App

iWantToEat! iPhone App

"Every one know the situation when you are hungry und you open your refrigerator and nothing else is in it except of some onions, eggs, tomatoes Read More
