Qantas Curiosity Reward Points
Client: Qantas Frequent Flyer
Agency: Droga5 Sydney
ECD: Duncan Marshall
Creative Director: Andy Fergusson
Art Director: Dan Seager
Copywriter: Steve Hall
Senior Producer: Anthony Martin
Photographer: Michael Corridore
Agent/Producer: The Kitchen creative management
Producers: Renae Begent and Brooke Farah (from The Kitchen)
Assistant photographers: Shane Rozario and Jeremy Shaw
Stylist: Janai Anselmi
Hair & Makeup Margo Regan
Retouching: Limehouse creative
CGI: Forge & Morrow
Account Director: Ant Da Silva
Senior Account Manager: Richard Sweetman
Qantas Curiosity

Qantas Curiosity

An all CGI Mars Curiosity rover for some Qantas ads we produced with Droga5.
