Packaging Redesign
Repackaging Ear Plugs
For my 3D packaging class, repackaging the ordinary, I decided to repackage ear plugs. As a college student they seem to be one of those things you find yourself in need of but you never notice them. The example below is the current packaging, most brands and varieties follow this standard. I looked at the inefficiencies in this current package, the main one being storage. While this particular package offers a carrying case included with several earplugs, their is an issue of keeping the rest of them together, clean, and uncompressed. For my design I researched the different uses for earplugs and the situations one might need them. I came to the final design through prototyping different carrying cases and configurations of shape and size. I wanted the design to be a reflection of vintage music culture, old guitar amplifiers and other similar products.
Hearos current retail packaging. I decided to change the name and make a separate brand for this project.
The hexagon shape is derivative of the various configurations that the earplugs fit into a space. Clustered together as a set of one dozen, they look similar to a honeycomb. Fitting in this shape, they are uncompressed and arranged into a small neatly packed form.
Package Redesign

Package Redesign

An assignment for a 3D packaging class to repackage the ordinary, an everyday object.
