Saté Café

Saté Café

Background: Saté Café is a start-up, fast-pace café / restaurant selling premium Satay and a variety of fusion food in the food court of Suria KLCC & Intermark Mall.

Inspired by the good old satay scenery made up of ‘satay man’ with a little cart alongside bamboo leaf handheld fan and giant umbrella, the idea is to re-create a place where one can casually enjoy the traditional satay wherever they like, even in a food court within the metropolis.

What we do: The idea has been extended into a series of collaterals, from the menu to marketing items, restaurant signage to art directing the product photography, all in an attempt to make the brand appears consistent in the public eyes.

Design concept: We developed the brand for Saté Café that communicates with excitement, nostalgia, and fun, which is designed to be Instagram-worthy in mind that is eye-catching enough for any customers taking selfies when visiting the stall. 

Satay stall in Malaysia is often seen as a signature street food, but we need to appeal to all audiences and instantly grab a childhood memory of delicacy while consumers are in the shopping mall. Hence, the logo borrowed the image of satay stall's umbrella along with modernised typography to create a strong brand identity, flawlessly connecting the nostalgic and modern qualities.

Creative & Art Direction by Stephen Liew & Alison Tan
Design by Stephen Liew & Alison Tan
3D rendering by WE Design Associates 
Saté Café

Saté Café

Reinventing the Saté Experience.
