Nafa Horror. A book with 5 short horror stories.

I will be explaining why I chose to do this in a very simple way. 
Which is the 3 "F".
First "F".

Fake News. 

  As we know, we are currently living in a society where news and information spread around very quickly, especially through social media.

  A research shows that, with the overwhelming information spreading around the world, fake information travel six times faster than the truth to reach 1500 people. Besides travel faster, it diffused deeper and broader than the truth in all categories of information.\

  So why do people tend to believe and spread fake news, without knowing the credibility and reliability? What is the psychology behind all this? 

  To find out, let me give you an example.


  A research from the The University of Melbourne said that there are plenty of fake news about the virus. 

" The US government created the virus !"

NO! it was not the US government that created the virus. 
NO! it was not the Chinese government either. 
NO! rubbing sesame oil on the skin does not block coronavirus.
NO! 5G has nothing to do with this. 
And it turns out, sipping water every 15 mins does not help.

Which bring us to the Second "F".
  A headline from Forbes, "Fear spread faster than any coronavirus"

  Fake news tackle our thinking and emotion. The emotion "fear" is one of the reason why we believe in fake news.

  Therefore, my plan was create something that have the same effect. Create a series of fake information for people to believe it, and fear is my "weapon" to achieve that.

  Which is why I am choosing "horror" as a genre for my project.
Click the link below for the NAFA HORROR EBOOK.


QRcode for ebook:
NAFA HORROR contains 5 short stories.

  It is created by me, and its completely fictional. I did plenty of research on the school history and school rules to make my stories as real as possible and it is relatable to everyone. 

  Besides that, I did a very simple test to people around me, my friends and family. I sent them some of of my stories, and I tell them that this is an incident my friend told me. Through their replies, I found the answer that I wanted. 

  Without telling them that the stories were actually fake, and its a creation of mine, they believe it instantly. So, after a long conversation with them on why they will believe it as a real event, their answers are quite similar. 

"It's better to believe that it exists than it does not."

The result are surprisingly close the reason why fake news can spread incredibily fast. Because, we human, rather to believe the worst, than to be optimistic and learn the worst.

And Finally! The last "F".

The reason why I decided to include "fun" in it is because, FUN + FEAR = EXCITEMENT! 

NAFA Horror can be more than just a book. With the genre and story line about school horror. It can turn into games and escape rooms etc.

NAFA is the name of the escape room that I created.  

N . A . F . A   which stand for Never Attempt to Finish Alone. 

Below are 2 escape rooms that I created.

Small scale escape room, based on my stories.

By doing this I add a few puzzle element into it, such as keys, locks, some devices and very dim light to make the whole experience better. Suitable sound effects will also be playing in the background to strengthen the experience.

The clues and hints like the picture shown below are hidden within the book.
Instruction will also be given throughout the event.

With the props, ambience sound and the setting, you will immerse yourself more into the story.

Full walkthrough Link down below.

Presentation Booth,PRINTS and T-Shirt, Link down below.


