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7 Armpit Hair Removal Tips For Women

No one can give a definite reason, but we have many theories about hairs in different parts of our body. We have hair in public regions and armpits. Many of us want to get rid of armpit hairs because they give us the worst feeling. You can manage hairs on your legs and arms but armpit hairs are very gross. A beautiful woman is not actually beautiful if she has hair underarms. 
There are many of the products that claim to remove hairs but they may damage your skin if you use them over a long period of time. The following are the homemade products that are gentler but remove hairs effectively. You must try them!

1: Chickpea and milk paste:
2. Coconut oil and cornstarch mixture:
3. Honey, Lime and Sugar Mixture:
4. Fresh Papaya:
5.Potatoes and Lentils Mixture:
6. Bananas oats paste:
7. Coconut oil and baking soda mixture:

1: Chickpea and milk paste:
This paste is not only useful for removing armpit hair but also to remove hair from the face, legs, and arms.


Milk (½ cup)
Chickpea flour (1/2 cup)
Turmeric (1 tablespoon)

Take all of the above ingredients and mix them. 
Apply this mixture on the hairs of the armpit. 
Remove this mixture after half an hour. 
You may use slightly warm water to remove the paste. 
You have to apply this mixture twice in one week.

2. Coconut oil and cornstarch mixture:
This mixture will not

7 Armpit Hair Removal Tips For Women

7 Armpit Hair Removal Tips For Women


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