DeSad cider package design

Hey, a new cider

The new cider from AB InBev Efes needed to be understandable for those who buy it today.
Luckily, we had an ace up our sleeve— the main difference of this new cider is in its ingredient list.
They are select Ukrainian apple varieties, collected in the gardens of western Ukraine.
 From there, we began the process of giving the cider a name and figuring out what it would look like.

On the basis of true food benefits, the idea of ​​a magical garden in western Ukraine was born. 
A garden, where you can have a good time enjoying the shade, the sound of a stream
or a chat with your friends. 

A garden, where fantastic bird-like fruit creatures live.

De Sad (which literally means ‘Where the garden is") is a place 
where something incredible is always happening.

DeSad cider package design