UUiD Studio's profile

G5-5990 PND Interface

G5-5990 PND Interface
| UI Design |

這是一個原搭載WIN CE 系統核心的PND(便攜式導航設備)產品介面設計。
我們思考摒棄過去WIN CE操作那種繁瑣的操作概念,創造一種新的直覺式的用戶體驗。透過原WIN CE這樣的系統核心創造新的用戶界面來增加產品的新價值與良好的體驗。
這樣的改變,用戶可以快速上手使用我們的產品,也能立即體驗出我們的產品和其他產品之間的差異。 通過這樣的設計,使這樣的硬體設備獲得更高的價值和利潤,同時為產品在市場競爭中創造更大的優勢。

This is the core WIN CE operating system which is used on PND(Portable Navigation Device) products.

The main and important thought of our design is to throw off old stereotypes of using WIN CE and create new intuitive user experience.We try to add new value of our products through designing the user-interface with core WIN CE operating system.

We remain the same logic of using mobile device but explore the possibilities for new and practical usage.
Users can quickly know how to use our products, they can also find out the difference between our products and others. By our design, we get higher value and profit in the market, we create greater advantages in competition at the same time.

Hardware & Software Development 
GlobalSat WorldCom Corporation .


PM(product manager)
Youyu Chang

UI (Art Design) 
Venqin Cheng

Product Copyright © GlobalSat WorldCom Corporation .
G5-5990 PND Interface

G5-5990 PND Interface

G5-5990 PND Interface | UI Design | Hardware & Software Development GlobalSat WorldCom Corporation . www.globalsat.com.tw PM(product manager) Read More
