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Panchatantra Stories in Art Deco style Illustrations

The Panchatantra is an ancient Indian collection of interrelated animal fables in sanskrit verse and prose, arranged within a frame story.
The illustration style is inspired from Art Deco, that has its origin in France. The series consists of 12 Panchatantra stories visualised in Art Deco outline Style conveying morals for adults.
The fox and the stork fable in Panchatantra moralises that “karma is a boomerang” and as it says one bad virtue always gives us back the same.
The crocodile and the monkey tale tends to depict the modern lifestyle wherein people long for true friends as it is very challenging to find one who is truthful. 

The lion and the mouse fable is illustrated in this piece of art showing that gratitude is an act from the heart and is nowhere related to the physical appearance.

This illustration is inspired from the famous tale of “Belling the cat” which could be connected to the real life scenario wherein we are advised to take up responsibilities.

Those who plan and save for future are the ones who will be benefited at the times of crisis is the moral behind the story “The ant and the grasshopper”.
The ant and the pigeon fable from the Panchatantra offers one of the most valuable morals of life, being compassionate with our fellow beings which in turn begets you the same.

The above piece of art is about “The lion and the rabbit” tale from the Panchatantra which moralises that the act of cleverness is always superior to the physical strength.

Bliss belongs to one who is contented from the inner self is being beautifully depicted through “The crow and the peacock” tale.

The story of “The two silly goats” from the Panchatantra portrays how psyche of  a being affects  one’s own self and other beings around.
One who desires and travels towards one’s vision will always taste the fruit of labour is the virtuous message conveyed through the tale “The thirsty crow”.

The most remarkable tale, “The fox and the crow”, though has many versions around the world , implies an invaluable moral as said above, to never believe flatterers around us.

One of the most celebrated tales of the Panchatantra, “The tortoise and the hare” moralises that persistence always leads to the path of success. 

Below is the sketching process behind the above illustrations.
Panchatantra Stories in Art Deco style Illustrations


Panchatantra Stories in Art Deco style Illustrations

The Panchatantra Stories visualised in Art Deco
