Fanart Section
Characters from HELLSING.
Lady Hellsing~or rather usually called Sir Integra. Just playing with the shades.
Just playing with the idea when it's time for him to disappear....
PipXSeras pairing; from Hellsing.
Hellsing-Organization 2
Hellsing Organization:
Characters from left to right: Walter, Alucard, Integra and Seras.
Finally done with this piece; Not the best but just wanted to do a Hellsing piece after a long while... =)
Characters (from left to right): Dok, Rip Van Winkle, Major and Captain.
Olivier Milla Armstrong; untitled piece. Just a random illustration.
BLACKBEARS-BRIGGS/The Lollipop Session.
Characters from Briggs
Olivier-snapshot. Done by request for someone.
Always wanted to do something like this and she gave me this chance to finally put it to action! ^^

I put it into a snapshot/photo idea for this piece. Taken after a battle and while she's busy but she notOlivier-snapshot. 
Briggs Mama Bear ;) Yes~It's Olivier again.
Black & White version of another Olivier fanart.
Illustration style
I wanted it to have a retro feel.
Manga style
I drew this in Adobe Flash.
Chibi style
My try at Chibi-style manga drawing.
Olivier & Alex Armstrong.
Manga style
This was done for a forum-topic image.
I wanted to hold most of the characters from *FMAB, like a get-together thingy.
Manga style
I'm quite influenced by a certain manga artist.
Drew this in Flash as well before importing to Photoshop.
Did a pixel art style for this.
The Major-General with her trusted subordinates.
Most of the fanart you see here are characters from *Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
Prominent character is Olivier Milla Armstrong, one of my favourite character from the series.
Though you can expect to see other characters from other animes as well.
Characters from FMAB-Briggs.
I did the logo design for Fort Briggs; where Olivier Armstrong 'reigns'! ^^ I used bears to bow down to a queen's crown
to signify the way she is to her soldiers.  



My depiction on some of my favourite characters from Japanese animes and mangas. I'd like to showcase my skills in manga-anime style drawings whe Read More
