Unexpected I/O

Unexpected I/O

Unexpected I/O 是為一個主打滑順操作體驗的保險平台設計的系列短片,強調使用者在平台買保險的過程,超滑、超順利。
我們為其設計了結合實拍與 3D,翻玩影像互動性的系列循環動畫,翻轉民眾對保險公司嚴肅的形象,帶進輕快無負擔的感受。

Unexpected I/O is a short film series designed for an insurance platform that specializes in building a smooth operation experience. The task is to create films that emphasize users can buy insurance, through the platform, with ease.
We designed a series of animated loops using live-action and 3D animation and played with the interactivity of mixed-media video. We aimed the visual to break the public's preconceptions about the insurance company's seriousness and bring a light-hearted and burden-free feeling.
The proposal was rejected but, we were so fond of the idea that we decided to put together a short video to showcase our vision.

{   Storyboard   }
{   Final Frames   }
{   Process   }
{   Credits   }

Creative: inJECT Inspiration 英傑哆創意, Nulls Design 空集設計
Production House: Nulls Design 空集設計
Director: 陳容寬, Sylvia Hsu 徐光慧
Producer: 黃詩婷, Liang Chen 陳亮至
Art Director: Sylvia Hsu 徐光慧
Storyboard Artist: Steven Tung 董十行
Styleframe Design: Yuson Chen 陳禹盛
Motion Design: Yuson Chen 陳禹盛
Compositing: Yuson Chen 陳禹盛
Sound Design: Andy Chiu 邱俊霖, 徐啟洋
Thanks for watching!

Unexpected I/O