Dr. Khaled Amr's profile

The Opioid Addiction Crisis in the United States

An award-winning anesthesiologist, Dr. Khaled Amr has extensive experience that includes serving as an anesthesiologist at Detroit Medical Center - Wayne State University School of Medicine and a pediatric anesthesiologist at West Virginia University Hospital. Dr. Khaled Amr is now focused on treating patients with opioid addiction.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, based on 2018 data, 128 people die every day in the United States due to opioid overdose. The addiction or misuse of opioids such as heroin, prescription pain relievers, and synthetic opioids is a grave national crisis. The Centers for Disease Control estimates the total economic cost of prescription opioid misuse amounts to $78.5 billion annually in health care costs, criminal justice participation, and more.

Pharmaceutical companies assuaged the medical community in the 1990s, postulating there would be no patient addiction to prescription opioid pain relievers. Health care providers then started to prescribe them in increasing rates, leading to the present crisis. The US Department of Health and Human Services and other government agencies are currently implementing initiatives to address this pressing issue.
The Opioid Addiction Crisis in the United States

The Opioid Addiction Crisis in the United States


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