August Lei's profile

Character/Creature Design (Concept Art 2020)

1. Character Design (4 Parts)
- Part 1. Shape Language + Notes 
- Part 2. Rebooted Character Model & Gesture Sheet  
- Part 3. Rebooted Character Concept Art 
- Part 4. Rebooted Character Turnaround Sheet 

2. Creature Design (4 parts) (TBA)
This is the first part of my character design unit for my concept art class. For this activity we had to analyze and break down the varying shapes of different characters from a film or TV series. The characters that I chose from a TV show were those of Adventure Time: Finn, Ice King, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, and Marceline. 
Parts 2 to 4 revolve around the reboot of an already existing character from TV show, Videogame, or film. The character that I chose is Woody from the Toy Story franchise. I decided to base his appearance slightly off a 1990s Tom Hanks if he were in an old spaghetti western film, at least that's what I had initially  imagined in my head. 
Creature Design Part 1: Brainstorming, Research and Notes
Some physical notes I took in my sketchbook:
Creature Design Part 2: Plan for a Creature Design
Creature Design Part 3: Final Creature Design
Character/Creature Design (Concept Art 2020)

Character/Creature Design (Concept Art 2020)
