*What would you do if you had to torture a little kid to get information out of a terrorist and your own kid was watching you?
i have taken an oath to protect my country and i would do anything to protect it. Arrested a terrorist but he would open his mouth, tortured him tortured his wife but still he won’t open his mouth. If torturing his kid would make him open his mouth i would do it. That particular thing might guilt me for the longest time, but i can save so many lives, so many innocent people just like that innocent child. I would tell my little one, that i did for my country to save lives if i wouldn’t have done it and spared that innocent so many other innocent born or unborn kids young and old people would have lost their lives. I wouldn’t be proud of what i did, but i had to. Sometimes you got to do things you don’t want to for others, to help them.
Terrorist Essay

Terrorist Essay


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