Covid-19 Tracker
Covid-19 Tracker was developed over a weekend of quarantine in 2020. The objective is to keep the population informed about the number of cases of the disease in Brazil and in the world.

The Android app is available for Beta download, on Firebase:
The Figma file was organized with the flow, so the developer could understand the interactions between screens.

Al the scenarios were considered, like erros, empty states and loading states.
The app is tracked via firebase, so we could see users behavior.
A simpler version of the app was released first, with less features in it (because it was developed just for study, with no commercial interests). But after the release, we noticed that people were using it, and it was worthy to spend more time making the app better.

The screens below are the final ones, including information about prevention and symptoms (according to WHO), news by Google and more data about countries and the world.
Covid-19 Tracker

Covid-19 Tracker

O Covid-19 Tracker ajuda a população a se manter informada sobre o número de casos da doença no mundo.
