Jam Jam
My Project Role: Founder & UX Lead
Tools: Bootstrap, Jekyll, XMind
Diverse, but Limited Community
The Claremont Colleges, also known as the 5Cs, consists of five undergraduate liberal arts colleges nestled in Claremont, California. Collectively there is an enormous amount of musical talent ranging from students performing classical to electronic music. Music collaborations have largely been limited to individual students' friend circles despite student interactions between the five colleges. Jam Jam is being created as a way to further connect the talented music scene of the 5Cs beyond one's immediate network.
Exploring the Scene
I began to attend the meetings of student run music club named the Music Coalition. As a space where students promote live music events and foster collaboration, I determined that this would one of the best places to learn more about how student musicans interacted with one another.

Sitting in on weeks of meetings, I was able to figure out the dynamics of the music scene as well as discover the typical process of finding other musicians on campus for collaborations.

Jamming and listening to other students' music was the only way to know if potential collaborators have the "sound" that compliments them.
My interactions with the music community on campus allowed me to create a flow chart of how students go about finding specific types of musicians.
Learning What It Takes
I met with a couple of members of Big Body Nation, one of the largest bands on campus, who have performed three consecutive years at the Kohoutek Festival at Pitzer College. We discussed what made them succeed when so many other student bands fail.

All of the steps eventually culminated in the development of the applications basic flow.
Sketching Ideas
The apps flow then provided me the foundation to start sketching possible user interfaces.
Using Twitter Bootstrap, I prototyped JamJam so I could quickly iterate and give a better example of functionality come time to actually develop the service.
Jam Jam

Jam Jam

Jam Jam is a exclusive college network that connects on campus musicians.



Creative Fields