
This is the third month of the first part, "The Original", of my project called Oct-To-Oct.
The roll of december is again a beautiful Ilford Delta 3200. I've decided to use consecutively two of them because the high sensitivity of the roll have helped me with the low light of the first month of the winter. 
These photos create in me different feelings. As I've told in the foreword of Oct-The-First, the project show my daylife, what I like. In fact here some photos mean strain, some happiness, some simply a good night with my friends.

- December 2017
The Gas Station of Grugliasco near the shopping centre "LeGru". I was coming back home from the training with a team mate and it was snowy. The silence, without people create in me a good feeling of calm and pace. 
The street market of Coldiretti in piazza Bodoni In front of the Conservatory of Turin. I was walking with a friend some days before Christmas.
A silhouette of a person at the tram stop. I was coming back home from the training and I was on the tram .
San Carlo square in Turin and a pigeon. I was waiting a beloved friend for an hot chocolate. 
One of the tunnels before Cervinia during a great snowfall.
Thanks for watching


Pierpaolo Cervetti


The third roll of my project OCT-TO-OCT is a great Ilford Delta 3200 on my Leica MP. The right choice for a street photography in the darkness .
