Rugby Fighter

The Black Ferns are New Zealand’s most successful rugby team, winning more World Cups than their male counterparts. But unlike the world-famous All Blacks, the Black Ferns are largely unknown and underpaid, working full-time jobs on top of their training regime.
So, Rebel Sport produced a campaign featuring a little know Black Fern, with a remarkable day job. ‘Rugby Fighter’ Rebecca Wood is not only a Rugby World Champion, but she’s also a Firefighter.
We celebrated Rebecca’s double life with an inspiring campaign, making her a household name and got the whole country talking about our greatest rugby team.

Agency. Ogilvy
Client. Rebel Sport
Chief Creative Officer. Regan Grafton
Executive Creative officers. Lisa Fedyszyn, Jonathan McMahon
Creatives. Kent Briggs, Sam Henderson
Head of Design. Nathan Chambers
Photography. Luke Harvey
Film & 3d Type. Martin Spencer, Nathan Chambers
Retouching & Grading. Dan Spataru, Nathan Chambers

Rugby Fighter