Aba Pardes is a greenhouse providing hydroponic produce positioned to cater to high-end markets.
The triangle--that also forms a stylized "A"--represents a greenhouse and the negative space is a cut-out "P" forming the company's initials. The leaf sprouts from a horizontal beam alluding to how hydroponic gardens are constructed.
The produce they grow come in shades of green, red, yellow, and brown. This is the basis of the color scheme rendered in muted shades to elevate the visuals as well as to give it a fresh feel.
The layout of collaterals follow the angles of the main logo making playing around with combinations of brand colors to suit the messaging or visuals contain in them possible while still forming a cohesive visual language.
*This project was not commissioned but was done as a design exercise
Aba Pardes

Aba Pardes
