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The Wanfurland - Ancient Slavery Illustration

The Wanfurland - Ancient Slavery Illustration
People nowadays are likely to have pets and sometimes they even call their pets as ''Master'', and even called themselves as "poop-picking officer". The artwork intends to illustrate the society nowadays with this phenomenon. Based on the theme of slavery during ancient times, humans can be easily be “enslaved” by the cuteness of the "devil".

Although our pet can be mischievous at times, we as humans, would still attend to them and enjoy being a slave.

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现今的社会, 许多人们都养着宠物, 他们常常调侃宠物为"主子", 甚至称呼他们自己为"铲屎官".

此插画尝试调侃现今社会的这个现象. 以古代奴隶制度作为主题, 人类轻易的被所谓的 "可爱的小恶魔”所奴隶. 即使我们的宠物非常顽皮捣蛋, 我们还是心甘情愿的去敬畏和享受被支配.

The Wanfurland - Ancient Slavery Illustration

The Wanfurland - Ancient Slavery Illustration

People nowadays are likely to have pets and sometimes they even call their pets as ''Master'', and even called themselves as "poop-picking office Read More
