Quarantype - a collection of 10 FREE FONTS

Trapped home during the Coronavirus outburst of March 2020 the Zetafonts team found some solace from the world-wide anxiety by selecting the best letters designed for the #36daysoftype challenge and trasforming them into Quarantype, a collection of ten free typefaces to fight dark thoughts and spread good karma.

Although playful and excessive and developed in record time, these typefaces all stem from our current research in contemporary trends and historical design solutions, bridging calligraphy and design. We did our best to make Quarantype a valuable gift to the community and were rewarded by some wonderful feedback and mentions, including those of Print MagazineEye MagazineFrizziFrizzi and Art Directors Club Italia.

Download for free the full collection at https://www.zetafonts.com/quarantype 

Here is the complete collection of #36daysoftype that inspired the Quarantype project.
The letters were designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini (pink background), Andrea Tartarelli (white on black background), Francesco Canovaro with Debora Manetti (black on white background), Maria Chiara Fantini (pink on white background).

Download for free the full collection at https://www.zetafonts.com/quarantype 
We are not asking anything back, but feel free to share the good karma and, if you want, please consider a donation for Italian Red Cross.

Quarantype - a collection of 10 FREE FONTS