Norwegian Troll is my personal work in which I wanted to show one of
the most famous characters in Norse mythology. I wanted to give him the character and features of a wandering, magical creature wayfaring through the deserted, northern expanses. During my trip to Norway, I was impressed by its harshness, but at the same time amazing nature, it seemed that magic was just floating in the air, in the wind blowing from snow-capped mountains and the cold sea. And sometimes, trolls seemed to me in moss-covered boulders, fallen trees, fancy hills. In this work, I want to show the step-by-step process of creating my character. Happy viewing!
1. The study of references

As part of my study of ZBrush program, I decided to create my first 3D character in it. First, I drew 15 silhouettes of various characters in Photoshop to decide which way to go next, which is more interesting to me. Since I recently returned from a trip to Norway, the Troll defeated. In order to create high-quality work, I plunged into studying the characteristics of trolls and viewing references.
2. Silhouette search

Then the search for the character’s image through work with silhouettes came. It was important for me to express the characteristics that I determined for myself while working with references. This should be expressive, wandering, silly but with some magical properties character.
3. Sketch development

After choosing the most successful silhouette, I started my work on creating a detailed sketch. I tried to immediately identify the most important details so when creating a 3D model I would not have questions where and what should be.
4. Sculpting in ZBrush

Then the most difficult stage followed - the creation of a 3D model because I had never done something like this before and the program was new to me. I understand that the character is not perfect, but I hope you understand me. I really tried very hard)
5. A little improvement in Photoshop

After creating 3D models, I chose a suitable foreshortening and worked a little more on it in Photoshop. I emphasized some forms, gave a more realistic look to fur and worked a little with tone. 
Thank you for watching my work! I will be glad to hear your comments!

Norwegian Troll

Norwegian Troll

Norwegian Troll is my personal work in which I wanted to show one of the most famous characters in Norse mythology. I wanted to give him the char Read More
