Project Cicada
Project Cicada was the final year project for my undergrad degree. I worked tirelessly for over 6 months to perfect this application. In a nutshell, Cicada allows HR personnel in a company to create admin accounts and employee records with basic informational particulars. The admin can then assign a tag to each employee based on their experience and performance. It also allows the admin to mark an employee of their status, whether they are active or dismissed whilst allowing multiple filters to be applied based on the employee records.
This project was brought to life using HTML5, CSS3, and JS for the entirety of the front-end development. I mostly used Visual Studio Code for typing and editing most of the code. The back-end development was coded in Python and built on the Django framework. And finally, my choice of database management was MySQL. As the entire project was built with Bootstrap 4, the application automatically adapts to the screen size of the user's device.
Project Cicada

Project Cicada

This project was my first attempt at a Python/Django based web application as a part of my final year UG study.
