Tania Ray's profile

Turn It Up: Music Magazine

Music Magazine
For this piece, I created a music magazine. I created everything from the title, title design, barcode, table of contents, lay out, etc. What I wanted to create was a youthful magazine which consist of upcoming YouTube artist, or already famous YouTube musicians.

I wanted to create a call to action title. My title "Turn It Up" is a call to listen to those artist and hear them. I wanted an uplifting title, hints I added the arrow in up and the play button. I chose yellow because it stands out very well. The purple was originally Halle Bailey's earring color. I changed her earring color in photoshop to yellow to match the title. Through out the magazine, I made sure to keep the color scheme going. Also, if you pay attention, I purposely included pictures with eye direction, and most looking up.

On my cover image, I masked Halle in photoshop and created a fake left shoulder by using the clone stamp.
This is my tv show Ad. It is one of my favorite tv shows.
I made subtle changes in this image in photoshop and added a transparent FreeForm logo on there, with a black box behind the logo and text to make it stand out better.
To come up with this article and create it, I used about four different articles and rearranged the order to make the article more detailed and more interesting. I found images the made the two ladies looking at each other. It was a bit difficult. I found an Ariel image and masked it in photoshop. I did the same with Halle's Picture as well. 
Since I am a YouTuber, I decided to add this bonus page to discuss how to start a YouTube. I found an image of a camera lens and placed it into indesign. 
I created this AD in photoshop by using splash brushes and simple text. I found an artistic YouTube logo that would fit in perfectly with this piece. 
Lastly, these are the images, logos, and bar code that I used to create my magazine.
Turn It Up: Music Magazine

Turn It Up: Music Magazine
