A   B u n n y   P r o j e c t
The fiber bunnies perform secret fibrous tasks inside the wooden box.
They work hard to spin, weave and dye fabric,
sometimes resting in the telly room, library or on the little bunk beds.
Bunnies are white when fully rested, gradually turning dark grey when they are overworked.
They work tirelessly when the box is shut, producing the finest fabric in all the lands.
(The 9 key guardian bunnies are fiber experts available for consultation on top secret fabric orders.)
l i t t l e   g i f s :
         t h a n k   y o u ,  b y e !
fiber bunnies


fiber bunnies

Fibers final project Needle felted bunnies that make fabric. (doing stuff I learnt in my first fibers class)


Creative Fields