Here's a little project I got for the television company a friend works at: Remake a certain scene (I can't show you the original, since I did not ask consent).

The dub (my rendition of the video found at the end of this post) is in Arabic: "Scientists say: In some situations, when you are experiencing déjà-vu ... it's memories of a past life."
The storyboard, to keep myself from straying too far from what needs to be done:
The final sketch and first version of the character's head:
The character splits in two at the end of the video, so I created two versions: the only thing they differ in are clothing and facial accessories. They look the same on purpose, with just a subtle difference.
Here is the version I made. It is the first time I worked on everything myself (except for the idea) and this is the result of just a day's work:
Déjà vu


Déjà vu

6-second animation about reliving a moment
