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Network security shield

Free Antivirus Protection Software
Antivirus protection is important for the protection of computer devices. The aim of antivirus software is to detect, neutralize or eradicate malicious software. In other words, we will say that it's designed to repel other forms of threats like phishing attacks, worms, Trojan horses, root kits and more.

Antivirus software is available in both a free and premium version. The
free antivirus protection software provides limited security measures whereas the paid version provides all of the advanced features.

Paid packages enable you to guard multiple devices and oversee all that from a central hub. Meaning you don’t need to install a separate antivirus on each device you own. The free antivirus software lacks this feature.

If you think that your data isn't so important for you then you'll use the free one. But if the info is basically crucial for you then choose the paid version.

Network security shield

Network security shield
