Albertus Raynaldi's profile

PESONA JNE Catalogue

This was a catalogue project for an Indonesian Postal Service called JNE, which has a division called 'PESONA', of the abbreviation 'Pesanan Oleh - Oleh Nusantara' which specialises in sending Traditional Indonesian food to the doorsteps of Indonesian Citizens. This catalogue was made to help people trust and choose their favorite traditional food more conveniently. This was a campus project for our 'Branding' final exam.
So I divided the foods according to their regions and origins, to the big 5 islands of Indonesia; Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. I also added Bali since it is an international tourist attraction in Indonesia.
The concept behind the pages itself is making it more homy, where I chose the top view of a family dining table, with Indonesia's traditional spices. And of course the plates to serve the food.
PESONA JNE Catalogue

PESONA JNE Catalogue

Pesona JNE Catalogue
