To create these little guys I began with making a pinch pot. I would make the pinch pot as polished as possible. After the pinch pot is made I would form the libs and butt. I would then smooth it all out and have it fired.
Analyze :
A principle of design for my little dudes is movement and unity. They show movement because they are holding plants and are in different positions. They show unity because they all belong together and the glaze I chose for all of them are all black and white  values.
Interpret: The idea for this project from Pinterest. From the Pinterest inspiration I chose different poses for my little guys. The symbolism is their heads being pinch pots. They can hold plants which makes them utilitarian!
I LOVE this project. It is my favorite one I’ve ever done. I think I did a great job making them look like fun little characters. They are not perfect but I love that about them. They will make a great addition to my room. I also believe that I could have done a better job smoothing out the pinch pots.  
Utilitarian piece

Utilitarian piece


Creative Fields