Stine Foss Petersen's profile

Mapping of the invisible: ASTROxMOOD

Do you believe in astrology? Do you believe that the planets, moons and stars can affect your everyday life and mood? I do. Therefore I decided to make a personal case study to discover how big impact astrology had on my everyday mood and life.

For 12 days I logged my mood, tracked the weather and went really nerdy into astrology. After the 12 days I analysed the data and compared it to each other. I tried to find similarities, mismatches and a deeper meaning to it all. Because I kept asking my self: Is it possible to drag any connections between the universe and our feelings, moods and existents?

Some of the astrological predictions were very true and some very wrong. I found a lot of connections but also some disconnections. Within my mapping you will see most of my data and now it is up to you draw the conclusion; is it all connected?

Do you believe in astrology? Do you believe that the planets, moons and stars can affect your everyday life and mood? I do. Therefore I decided to make a personal case study to discover how big impact astrology had on my everyday mood and life. 

For 12 days I compared my mood to astrological predictions. Some predictions were very true and some very wrong. When the weather was good so was my mood — possibly because my zodiac sign is Lion and the sun rules my sign.
When my mood was higher than seven I often forgot to log it. Times fly when you have fun — or in this case when the moon is where Jupiter was when I was born.
My relationship with friends and family often affected my mood, both in the good and in the bad way, perhaps it is because my seventh house is in Scorpio, therefore I tend to be passionate and easily influenced by the people I love.
Mapping of the invisible: ASTROxMOOD

Mapping of the invisible: ASTROxMOOD

Do you believe in astrology? Do you believe that the planets, moons and stars can affect your everyday life and mood? I do. Therefore I decided t Read More
