With this project being about carrying food it was a good idea to see what it would be like if I went out and packed my lunch for a day, to see if i could find any pain points in the packing experience. The images is to show that I packed a bologna and cheese sandwich and packed some goldfish as a my lunch. I put them into my backpack, my current food carrier. Of course this process didn’t come with out pain points, hard or difficult moments.

Kate is a popular girl at her school. She packs her own lunch everyday before school. She enjoys sitting at the lunch table and talking with her friends. Kate plays soccer for a select soccer team. When Kate is at home, she spends her time watching Netflix in her room. 

Chris Mariola attends the Cleveland Institute of Art, where he is in his sophomore year in the game design program. Chris is an introvert. He and enjoys playing video games, and creating art. He doesn’t prefer to interact with people. Chris enjoys having his day with as little interruptions from other people as possible.

Joseph Miller is sociable worker, every morning he takes public transportation work. He works at an office building, in downtown Cleveland. He packs his lunch most of the days but occasionally he goes out to eat with his co-workers.     
Debra Smolinski is retired, she lives a laid back lifestyle with her husband Joel. She enjoys going to the Cleveland Museum of Art with her friends. She usually takes a nap through the day, and she usually cooks from home. Debra and Joel eat large meals.
Food Carrier

Food Carrier

Create a user centered design, of a personal food carrier.
