Project: Branding for MyLash Singapore

Undertaking an unusual approach towards Cosmetic Lashes Industries, Ascendancy designed a branding to set MyLash on a league above, and of its own.
Bold and Confident - In the cosmetic service industry, boldness and confidence are undeniably primary factors which consumers pursue. These factors served as foundation to the new Branding, tying relatability between the business and prospectives.
Vibrance - Straying from the overly-used “Elegant Black” and “Feminine-Pastels”, Ascendancy proved boldness through the elements of striking vibrant colours accompanied with stroked curves, representing the different types of eyelash curls.
Personalized - Topping it off to engage the Brand with it’s consumers, the idea of personalization was integrated and translated through their packaging, elicited from their brand name - MyLash
My Lash Branding


My Lash Branding
