Passion - Video Game

Passion is a small project I created for my Theory and History of Video Games course. You play as [UNDEFINED], the very embodiment of the creative spirit. It is up to you to battle through your own anxiety, doubt, and insecurity in order to bring your ideas to life. 
Passion is a traditional 2D platformer that attempts to turn the subtext of the creative process into physical game mechanics; the emotional challenges we faced while creating the game became the very obstacles the player had to encounter. 
This was our first game project which resulted in the process being both exhilarating and frustrating. My primary contribution to the project was the programming used in the game. I used the drag-and-drop interface in GameMaker Studio 2 to create the base game logic.
A Windows version of the game can be downloaded here. (Due to time and technical limitations, we were only able to make a Windows version of the project.)
(Project Date: December 2019)

A Game By:
Programming,UI,UX: David Molina Cavazos
Programming,Visuals,Level Design, Story Arc: Janan Hui
Pixel Art, Story Arc: Gina Goosby

With Assistance and Assets From:
Slyddar - Gamemaker Tutorial
Open Pixel Project - Art
Gothicvania Patreon Collection - Art
Alex's Assets - Wraith Art
Ohdeersky  BG- Art
Dinocide - BG Art
RedRaven - BG Art
 Fire Cycle - Art
Knoblepersona - Art 
NYKNCK - Slime Art
Scaghound - Art 
Joe Williamson - Art
Professor Bob Rehak



Passion is a video game where you play as [REDACTED], the very embodiment of the creative spirit. It is up to you to battle anxiety, self-doubt, Read More
