Terrell Thompson's profile

March Against Monsanto Orlando, FL

On May 25, 2013 the world march aganist Monsanto. My fiancée and I attended the one in Oralndo, FL. Here is a background on why i joined & some of my pics.
I deal with a lot health issues and after trying all types of meds none seemed to help. My lovely fiancée started doing a search on my conditions, the meds & foods I was eating and behold what i was consuming was making my health worst. Lateley I've been switching to eat more organic food and things that do not have GMO's (genetically modified organism). GMO's have been proven to link to cancers and many other illnesses. Almost all countries except for USA & Canada labeles thier food to give the people a choice to know what they put into their bodies. The FDA & government approves of GMO's being used & ignore the risk factor due to the money it makes them.  The president even signed “The ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ which I am surpised because in 2007 he wanted GMO's labled.
5 Appalling Facts About The Monsanto Protection Act Obama Signed Into Law (GMO Heaven)
Read more by clicking here.
Checkout these links as well.
March Against Monsanto Orlando, FL


March Against Monsanto Orlando, FL

March Against Monsanto Orlando,FL
