Elements _ Culinary Design _ 2018
Elements represents the four natural elements. 
Fire, water, earth and air.

These four “mouthfuls” were designed for a meal after a meeting of wildlife defence organisations, such as WWF.

Each mouthful has been thought out to represent the element it characterises. 

For fire, the important thing was to find this spicy aspect, this ashen taste and this illusion of flames that characterise it, that’s why this mouthful is described as a crème brûlée with chilli pepper and peppers. The caramelisation of the cream makes it possible to bring this ashen taste, and the flaming alcohol, the image of fire itself. 

For water, the main thing was to find the aspect of water, its transparency. Thus water was represented as an edible water bubble. Solid to the touch, it explodes in our mouth as soon as it is there. 

For the earth, we have a beet meringue sprinkled with small flowers, sprouted by hand. It is directly placed on the tray, to anchor it even more to the ground. The meringue brings an earthy taste to the mouthful, strengthened by the flowers. 

Finally, how to represent air? What’s its aspect? What’s its taste? Air can’t be eaten. It was indeed necessary to create a light mouthful with a minimal taste. That’s why foam seemed judicious, light as air and tasteless. The simple aroma of tea is used to flavour this mouthful. 

Thus, these four mouthfuls are the very symbol of the fragility of our world and our environment and it represents especially what I would like to demonstrated. That we have to take care of our planet.

© Alizée Beth
Elements / 2018


Elements / 2018

