NUECES is an illustrated book project based on the homonymous short story written by Florencia Gattari for the illustration subject of the Graphic Design career at the University of Buenos Aires.

In my personal view the story goes about a boy who, even having it all, gets bored by infatuating himself with the only thing he lacks.

NUECES es un libro album ilustrado, basado en el cuento corto homónimo escrito por Florencia Gattari, para la materia Ilustración de la carrera Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

En mi visión personal, la historia trata acerca de un chico que, a pesar de tenerlo todo, se aburre mientras se encapricha por lo único que no tiene.

Thanks for watching!

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Project Made For


Illustrated book based on the short story NUECES written by Florencia Gattari.


Creative Fields