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Living alone: ​​check out the best tips

Leaving your parents' house or having your own space is one of the great desires of most people. Regardless of the reason, all of this change results in a major
challenge. So, check out tips on how to live alone and leave your house to your face .

Tips on how to live alone

Like practically everything in life, living alone has its advantages and disadvantages and we can say that the main advantage is freedom. Being able to set up the house your way, walking around the room without clothes, listening to the music you want and at the volume you want, finally, being able to do it and happen the way you want when you want.
The main disadvantage is popularly known as responsibility, after all, now, everything depends on you: paying the electricity, gas and telephone bills, but also the housekeeping, the dirty dishes, the clogged bathroom. So, check out some tips on how to live alone to organize your things well.

Simplify everything: it may seem silly, but the dreams of incredible decoration and full of details end when you realize that maintenance and cleaning are now your responsibility. So make it as simple as possible . Try to make a decoration that is easy to clean and keep organized, otherwise your house will become chaos in a short time or it will consume all your energy just to keep it tidy. Check out skrivenipredmeti.com for other helpful home decor ideas.

Automation: after a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is tidy up the house, right? Therefore, it is important to invest in some devices that can help you on a daily basis. The washing machine is almost a must, but you can also buy a dishwasher, a coffee machine and, if your budget allows, a robot that sweeps the house and even wipes the floor. Another important thing to automate is accounts. If possible, put in automatic debit rent, condominium, energy, water, electricity, telephone, everything you have to pay to keep the house up to date. After all, nothing is more boring than arriving from work and having the electricity cut off due to lack of payment.

Discipline: have you ever heard the phrase “Discipline is freedom”? well, for those who live alone it is essential. Each person has their own system, but here are some important points to think about and leave on your list:
- How often will I clean the house?
- What days? Will I be myself or a day laborer?
- Will the dishes be washed on the spot? At the end of the day? At the beginning of the day? Until you fill the dishwasher?
- How often will I change the bathroom towel, bed linen, floor cloths?
- How often and on what day of the week will I go to the supermarket?

Master your kitchen: this area deserves attention, as most people end up overdoing the convenience and buy everything that is easy to maintain and make: breakfast cereal, frozen lasagna, nuggets, microwave pizza, soft drinks and everything else. However, living on frozen food and delivery is bad for your health . Investing in real food without spending a lot of time is possible and, although not as practical as industrialized and frozen foods, it is worth it.

- See some tips: Buy naturally practical foods like chestnuts, almonds, pistachios, bananas, apples, pears, grapes for example.
- Buy meats that do not need much preparation, that is, that do not need to be beaten or covered with sauce, for example.
- Give preference to the cuts that can be simply grilled with salt and pepper and so they are ready in up to 15 minutes, such as chicken breast, tilapia, salmon, steak of the picanha, maminha, kebabs etc.
- Another allied protein is the egg, with one or two of them, you already consume all the nutrients you need in a meal. In addition, they are easy to make to eat on the spot (scrambled, for example) or even to store overnight (cooked, for example).
- Cooking with anticipation is another golden tip. Cook your food in larger quantities and store it in portions in plastic pots. You can do this twice a week only, keeping the food in good condition.

Living alone: ​​check out the best tips

Living alone: ​​check out the best tips


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