SENSOR Exhibition

SENSOR exhibition

The SENSOR project is created to show and research the impact of technology on art and human perception. The exposition consists of three audio-visual installations
created by artists Maxim Silenkov, Dmitry Masaidov, Ilya Solodkov, Alexei Leontyev
and the musician Pixelord.

Concept & Production
Maxim Silenkov

Curator & Partners
Alena Elatantseva

SENSOR allows each visitor to get a unique experience through interacting with
both-art objects and the environment they create.

The genre of «total installation» which helps us to dive into the experience of the exhibition.
The Reactor represents an automated audiovisual complex using Kuka industrial manipulators. Installation is an experimental synthesis of art and robotics technologies. Art-space changes when someone gets into contact with an art-object: the machines come into motion and the sound landscape transforms.

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The Ray is an interactive installation that is built up of 2 000 parts — fluorescent lamps and starters, battery boosters, motion detectors, and sound devices. The exhibition hall is completely taken by a giant light ball — a «technological sun» that responds to the physical presence of visitors. Movements in the action field of the object give signals to the algorithm, so it gives birth to three-dimensional visual forms and fills the room with the sound landscape.

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The Impulse is a visual multilayer installation, is being launched by heartbeat sensors.

The device reads the pulse of the partaker and starts to visualise it through the EL wire through the experimental session. This process drives the El wires of the visual part of the three-axis installation.

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SENSOR Exhibition