Gemma Holloway's profile

A fitness brand in and over-saturated market

A fitness brand in and over saturated market! 
Design isn't about using stock images and adding a few words. It’s about giving a brand personality! That’s why whenever I approach a branding job I make sure I know as much as possible about the person/company so I can make sure their key values come across in the logo. That is the only thing that will make it stand out. Sooooo... When I was approached by I local personal trainer to help develop his brand I was super excited. Fitness is an oversaturated market and one I LOVE so I wanted the brand to be about more than just dumbbells and running silhouettes. Justin is a pretty big guy and always trains wearing a backwards cap and overhead headphones. BOOM... that was the angle I wanted to go with to make this brand personal to him and his clients. It was lots of fun and I hope you like it. I also hope you agree, this should for sure stand out in the fitness world!
Video Ident to me used mainly on all social media channels as and into to training videos.
Why green
Green works great for fitness which in turn goes hand in hand with health and wellness. It can relate to nature, homeopathy, plant-based dieting, veganism, and so on. It also looks great against black and in my opinion is a colour that is often overlooked in branding. Scientific data suggests that people associate colours with feelings and emotions, meaning the colours you choose to brand yourself with could affect how consumers respond to you​​​​​​​. Green subconsciously promotes growth, nurture and clarity of the mind which is why I chose green for Justins new personal training business.
A fitness brand in and over-saturated market

A fitness brand in and over-saturated market

A fitness brand in and over saturated market!  Design isn't about using stock images and adding a few words. It’s about giving a brand personali Read More
