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7 Benefits of Selecting WooCommerce for Your eCommerce

7 Benefits of Selecting WooCommerce for Your eCommerce Business
Today, when the Internet has increased its occurrence in every domain, many offline businesses are thinking of an effective online portal that can help their business grow, increase traffic, and improve the returns on investment. Before launching an eCommerce business, the selection of the most suitable platform remains a primary concern of the business owners. Among a wide range of CMSs available on the market, choosing the one could be tricky. However, if you are planning to launch the business under a small budget and expecting an advanced platform, you are free to make WooCommerce as your preference.
Quite a large number of business individuals choose this open-source eCommerce CMS for their selling platforms. It comes with wide-ranging choices of themes, provides secure plugins, and keeps other cyber threats at bay. It has now become the best choice among retailers. Here, the article gives you an insight into the benefits of choosing WooCommerce for your online store. Take a look. 


Pricing comes above when a soon-to-be online business owner selects a platform. One exciting thing about the CMS is that it has a wide range of themes, from 'free to paid' one. Paid themes of the platform can cost you up to thousand dollars every year. You can also opt for free themes to avail the benefits and capabilities without signing up for an expensive support contract. However, there are some third-party payment apps and extensions that may require a cost to finalize a theme for your project. This purchase will not direct to WooCommerce itself.

Not only for the entrepreneurs but the WooCommerce development platform serves enterprises as well while maintaining its importance as an excellent selling platform. The features and characteristics of the platform can come up as a boon for the business.


A theme should not look ‘just good’ to your customers. It's the one to catch their eyeballs. This open-source content management system lets you access a set of exclusive features that are easy-to-extend with additional plugins.

With WooCommerce, you can enjoy two-fold benefits of modularity of WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and hundreds of WooCommerce extensions. The modular system of WooCommerce encourages developers to work on the extensions that add specific set of functionalities. This attribute cannot be achieved with a monolithic application.

A retailer can achieve a maximum of its benefits by selecting the right plugins. They have features and functionalities in varying proportions. The CMS recommends different plugins when you use the store.

When it comes to selling anything through a budget-friendly online platform, WooCommerce comes above all. The platform can be used to sell anything and that too very effectively. Whether you want an online presence to sell physical products, subscriptions, services, or something else, you are free to go with WooCommerce. No matter whether you have a single product or an enormous range of offerings, the platform will flawlessly get you what you and your customers want.

However, you need to be very specific about your selection of a development company. Hire an expert custom CMS development company to fulfill the needs of a customized eCommerce website. It is completely customizable and grows with your business. It is exclusively made to accomplish owners selling needs.


Great functionality helps your users to save their time and hold their interest in the next big purchase. Keeping this thing in mind, the community of developers has built WooCommerce, an open source eCommerce CMS, advanced for functionality and fast for processing.

It has pre-installed popular payment gateways that include various options to close a sale from a customer. It includes geolocation support to turn shipping and tax calculation into a simple process. It automatically detects your customer’s address. You can increase your reach beyond the country as WooCommerce gives your customers to choose their currency from a long dropdown list of pre-set currencies. It is fast to reduce page loading time; your customer does not need to edit the cart over and over.


You cannot take risks for the security of your customers' data, especially when fraud and phishing scams are so common. Your customers want their details to remain safe with you. All these details should not be accessed by any third-party. With a WooCommerce website, you can control the checkout process providing a safe trading platform for your customers. A community of developers constantly works to safeguard the payment process from malicious viruses. They fix the weakness, bugs, and problems to make the open-source reliable for its clients and user-friendly for the end-users.


If you explore the market, you would come to know about various eCommerce platforms that charge a certain amount of fee for every purchase made by the customer. WooCommerce is different and you don’t have to pay anything when someone checks out while purchasing your products. However, you may be asked for a cost depending upon the type of payment gateway you want to integrate with the website.   


As a business owner, you will always want to know where the majority of customers are from or which time of the day is preferred by the customers or which category your customers explore the most. You can keep track of all these kinds of valuable data to strategize your ideas of improving your offering and overall performance of the website.


All the above-mentioned things may have helped you to understand the open-source eCommerce CMS in a better way. If you are thinking to choose WooCommerce, you have made the right choice in your mind. Now, bring your thoughts into action and hire a custom CMS development company that can help you with a functional, customized, eye-catching, and secure online store to meet your business needs.

Or you can contact Source Soft Solutions, the best custom development company with over 12 years of technical experience. The company will help you in developing a substantial eCommerce store to develop your business. What else? Contact Source Soft Solutions today!   
7 Benefits of Selecting WooCommerce for Your eCommerce

7 Benefits of Selecting WooCommerce for Your eCommerce

Hire a custom CMS development company that can help you with a functional, customized, eye-catching, and secure online store to meet your busines Read More


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