Carly Evans's profile

Go Green or Go Sit in a Landfill

Boiling Pot Green Team T-shirts
Go Green or Go Sit in a Landfill
Boiling Pot Festival gathered local artists from Kalamazoo, Michigan in order to demonstrate to the city that good clean fun could be had on public property. My role was Greening Manager.
As an artist, I also created the uniformal T-shirts for volunteers.

T-shirts were made by using diluted bleach & paint brushes. The goal was
to alert festival patrons of the work that was being done to ensure the proper displacement of trashed items. Also to send a message that there is no away to throw something away to.
This symbol representing Compost was placed on the front right hand corner of all T-shirts. The idea was taken from the educational signage placed by trash pods. Compost was chosen over recycling or landfill to further perpetuate the message that most of what was provided on-site could be used to replenish the Earth's natural resources.
To ensure that volunteers did not absorb bleach through their skin, T-shirts were washed upon completion. The host house was without a working drying machine, so shirts dried in the morning sun before the first shift.
Go Green or Go Sit in a Landfill


Go Green or Go Sit in a Landfill

Thrift store T-shirts painted with bleach for Boiling Pot Green Team identification
