Jonathon Taylor's profile

Flitwick Eagles Football Club

Flitwick Eagles Football Club is my local sporting team. It was a privilege to be asked to produce an advertisement for a new event which was run by the club.
The client, Jack, provided me with all of the information required in the advertisement as well as photography and logos in partnership with the football team. As the team play their football in blue and white striped kits, I decided to involve that design in my ideas. The above idea is an initial design pitched to the client via email.
The final design shown above was approved by the client. After discussions via email, we quickly found solutions to minor tweaks the client raised concern of. The final piece was published on the Flitwick Eagles website as well as being distributed to the public via printed out flyers and handouts.
This is the latest development for my client.
Flitwick Eagles Football Club

Flitwick Eagles Football Club

An advertisement for a local football team raising awareness of a training camp. Photography, information and logos were provided by the client.
