Year of the Rat 2020

Happy 2020! It's a Rad Year!

A lab rat is often used as a subject for a scientific experiment. 
It is also used to metaphorize being unwillingly placed out of one’s comfort zone.

But if we look on the bright side, a lab rat is always the first to try, to take the first bold step ahead of others into the unknown.

In this rat year, we hope to learn from the spirit of a lab rat, by reminding ourselves to always be fearless and adventurous in order to discover the unknown possibilities that lies ahead.

2020 鼠年快樂!

被当作白老鼠在别人眼里往往是一种危险的举动, 来比喻某人要去作第一个笨蛋的意思。




Creative Direction: Jh Tan
Art Direction & Design: Sang Ngeoh
Motion Design: Karhang Goh & Peter Meng
Copywriting: Janice Chee
Year of the Rat 2020