mean sounds's profile

lxxii. Rullywow Arcadiator

This is the Arcadiator by Parasit Studio/Rullywow. This project has a bunch of videos and forum hype that make it seem very cool. I honestly thought it would be cooler than it actually is once it's built up. Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty dang sweet, I just thought it had more variety on tap given the control scheme. 
It's hard to say exactly what it is other than a 8-bit square wave sounding fuzz with extra controls to amp up the video-game nature of it. This one has Mario.
Anyhow, I bought 2 PCBs and built them at the same time. Kinda. 

lxxii. Rullywow Arcadiator

lxxii. Rullywow Arcadiator
