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The 8ight Jewels Gate

-  T  h  e     8  i  g  h  t     J  e  w  e  l  s     G  a  t  e  -
The traveler found his way....
The motivation is, on one hand, the wish to attain buddhahood, to seek one´s own benefit, and, on the other hand, the wish to be able to help all beings in the best possible way.
The Eight Jewels Gate was said to shelter the mind of enlightment ,the characteristics of consciousness (unlimited, clear, perceiving). The traveler, equiped with the Visvavajra, the double thunderbolt. Its the Wheeel of the Good law and so is one of the keys to open the gate. The Gate and each Jewel is the key to the freedom of the three spiritual poisons ; attachment, hatred and delusion,this are the cause of all suffering. The spiritual detoxification, only work when the medicine is applied,the gate then, must be opened with proper motivation.
The eight Jewels symbolize the aid and faculties of an awakened being.
Therefor the true passage of the gate may reveal; the peace of Nirvana, the pure and infinite liberation.

-  T  h  e     8  i  g  h  t     S  y  m  b  o  l  s  -
-  T  h  e     K  i    B  o  i  j  a      S  i  d  d  h  i    -
The Ki Boija means "The voyager with the key" is the same character presented in the latest illustration "The 8ight Jewels Gate"...
Equiped with the Visvavajra, the double thunderbolt... Symbolizes the highest comprehension of truth and Spiritual power. His color is green, signifying the sun at midnight. He rules over the element of air and embodies the skandha of volition, also called the skandha of mental phenomena or tendencies of mind. He is the transition towards a new dimension of consciousness,…the transition from the human to the superhuman state, the awaken state, the clear light...

C  l  o  s  e     U  p  s

-   V   o   y   a   g   e   r      I   l   l   u   s   t   r    a   t   i   o   n   -

The 8ight Jewels Gate


The 8ight Jewels Gate

The traveler found his way.... The motivation is, on one hand, the wish to attain buddhahood, to seek one´s own benefit, and, on the other hand, Read More
