Yin Zen's profile

Golden Melody Award 30th - The Echo of Generations

Golden Melody Award 30th -  The Echo of Generations (時代迴響)
○  金曲30我受邀於JL Design,負責主視覺設計兼執行。
主題為時代迴響,職務上我主要的挑戰在於,如何在時間內嘗試各種設計方向,同時兼顧執行上的平衡, 讓視覺最終能夠表現出典雅、沉穩、份量、內斂的感受。

●  I was invited by JL Design for the 30th Golden Melody Award key visual design and execution.
The theme of GMA30 was “the echo of generations”. The challenge in my position was to try out many different ways of design within limited amount of time, and to strike a balance between time and quality in terms of execution, so the key visual design would ultimately express the feeling of elegance, steadiness, composure and calmness.

○  字型設計其實到非常後期,我們才選擇了直式作為主要版本。因為我們認為在"時間的延續"及"流動感"表現上,直式能達到更好的效果。 而最終也另外為舞台,設計了一款同風格的橫式版本。

●  For the font design, we actually decided to use vertical layout at the very end of execution. We believed that vertical layout could better define “the continuing of time” as well as “the sense of free-flowing”. In addition to that, we composed a horizontal layout in the same style for the GMA30 stage.
○  在金色的表現上,我花了很多時間在找尋,怎樣的金不會太新、也不會太舊,而是帶有年份跟重量的一種低調金色。

●  And for the color of gold, it took a lot of time to search for the right kind of tone that was not too bright and not too dim. I wanted it to be a color of mellow, weighty, and understated gold.​​​​​​​

字型設計發展 /  Design Development - Font​​​​​​​
直式設計發展  Design Development - Straight
橫式設計發展  Design Development - Horizontal
Logo Animation R&D
入圍影片 動態設計 (主要模組 ) / Motion Design -  Nominee Videos (Main Module)
標題欄 設計發展 /  Design Development - Lowerthird
材質設計發展 / Design Development - Material
Release:June 2019

客戶 Client:文化部 Ministry of Culture

典禮總統籌 Event Production:源活 YOUNG HOPE
視覺總監 Executive Creative Director : 羅申駿 JL
視覺影像統籌 Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
監製 Executive Producer:巫安琪 Angela Moo、蔡卓翰 Johan Tsai
專案總監 Head of Project Management :蔡佳穎 Chia Ying Tsai 
創意總監 Creative Director:蔡旻驊 David Tsai
副創意總監 Associate Creative Director:魏良恩 Lance Wei
美術指導 Art Director:洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung

製作統籌 Project Manager:林志翰 Ryan Lin
製作群 Production Staff:
陳品聿 Carol Chen、黃婷鈺 Tingyu Huang、蔡潔凡 Tracy Tsai、 許雅婷 Yating Hsu、吳欣鎂 XingMei Wu、凃家暄 Tweety Tu、 
張玉典 Dan Zhang、黃銘彰 Mingchan Huang、蘇怡如 Ruby Su、Abel Lim、Aidil HaKim

主視覺設計 Key Visual Designer: 
洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung、陳施澄 Kelsie Chan、方智弘 Ivan Fang、林殷正 Yin Zen

設計師 Designer&動畫師 Animator:
林殷正 Yin Zen、劉瓅涵 Hank Liu、高明碩 Ming-Shuo Kao、林俊德 Junde Lin、鄭盛文 Mos Zheng、許峻良 Jim Hsu、
黃威凱 WeiKai Huang、何佳珍 Cathy Ho
3D R&D :劉瓅涵 Hank Liu 

JL DESIGN(林殷正 Yin Zen、劉瓅涵、高明碩、林俊德、鄭盛文、何佳珍)
二棲設計有限公司(林呈軒、藍庭筠、陳芊涵、李欣頻、林昕、張雅晴、施亦晴、李丞平、廖浩辰、呂亭葳、陳柏尹、拉瓦、詹子岳、飛豬、呂貽雯 、黃思倩、鄭利豐)
Muzixiii Studio(曹書睿、李芹羽、白宗穎、游家廳、江美嫻)
舞台視覺設計:MixCode Studio(柯鈞譯 、李孟栩、陳安、簡一盛、林芷君)
Golden Melody Award 30th - The Echo of Generations

Golden Melody Award 30th - The Echo of Generations
