Difference between normal and ESA animal

Wondering if you should get a vest for your service or emotional support dog? There is no rule that says that you ‘must’ get a dog vest for your dog but, we suggest that you should get one if you do not want it to get lost with other dogs.
While an emotional support animal letter will help you to live and travel with your dog, a vest will help you to distinguish it from the other animals.
The following are some of the reasons that you should get a good quality dog vest for your animal.

1. It makes your animal identifiable. When you take Coco for walks, it is quite possible that it gets lost with the other dogs or disappear from your sight. In any case, a dog vest will help you to spot and find it easily.

2. It avoids confusion. The concept of service dogs and ESAs is relatively new and this is why when people see your dog, they think that it is a pet. Having a vest that clearly states that the animal is a ‘working dog’ and it is NOT ok to pet it will help in removing this confusion.

3. It helps with traveling. Usually, when someone is traveling with a service or emotional support dog, they have to explain everything to the authorities like the landlords and the airport staff. Having a vest shortens this process as it tells about why the animal is there and its type.

4. It adds to your dog’s personality. Having a formal look adds a lot to your dog’s personality as well as eases your job of introducing it in various situations. A vest gives a uniformed and thoughtful look to your animal that avoids unwelcome petting advances.
While having a dog vest is not a legal necessity for a service of emotional support dog, it definitely offers some unique benefits.

How does a Service Dog Make Your Life Better?
A service dog is a specially trained dog that helps an individual with some kind of disability. It is different than an emotional support animal and helps people with mental and physical limitations. Such limitations include visual and hearing impairment, physical disability and a number of other mobility issues.
Just like you need to see an ESA letter sample before moving forward with a company, you should ask for a sample service dog certificate that the company is offering. This will help you understand if the certificate is genuine or not.



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