In case it's not clear, this short stop-motion video can relate to anyone. You wake up, you're still tired, you open the curtain and see it's too bright. So you close the curtains back and most likely go back to bed.
Special Effects: Fire
Idea: a day in a student's busy life. A warm cup of coffee doesn't taste only taste delicious, but also relaxes the person (well at least me). However, to walk up and down the stairs, to one campus from the other, tends to get exhausting. The result of that is a cold coffee. So the student has to hide in the bathroom to warm up her coffee and keep her secret hidden.

This is my first time attempting special effects with Adobe After Effects. So I am pretty happy how it turned out. However, after reviewing it a couple of times, I can imagine I could still send the message or the idea of the video in less amount of time; instead of having the constant same scene could change that.
Lyric Video
Another first time. For this assignment, I played with the typography and fast scene transitions. Based on my moodboard below, you can see I want to give a pop-art vibe. With after every scene I didn't want the colors to be the same. The only improvement I would make is the second scene.

Song by: Kehlani - Crzy
'Retro-fied' image & Moodboard
Skeleton Rigging
Honestly, one of the most excited, yet challenging assignments I've encountered during my Erasmus Exchange program. The assignment was: cartoon yourself, dancing to music of your choice, but have to use a skeleton to make the limbs move. Below you can see all the lose limbs I've used. What I meant with 'hard' is that not all limbs wanted to work with me. Like, when moving the arm, the elbow will pop-out drastically. But still happy I started somewhere.



2 Days of drawing + 30 min of taking pictures + 30 min - 1 hour of editing = 15 second animation.
