AB W's profile

Witch's Room 3:Sexual express (Detail)

Witch's Room 3:Sexual express
Third is mentions about women and sex, the society usually blames women that it is her fault to suffer rape or terrible situation. If women want to express their sex desire like men do, the public would as a slut.
1+2+3. She does not know why a woman wants to express sexual ability .which could make society anxious.
She enjoys her sex life, but she knows the boundaries of her body and the relationship between everyone.
She believes that if there is a feeling of depression or desire in the heart, let it be expressed, without prejudice to the law, and the safety of the person.
4.She always believes men and women have the same status to express their sexual desire. Everyone has the right to be physically independent. If she does not want to be touched at any time. She can require stop.
5+6. The society sets rules for women. Women cannot wear short cloth to express their bodies, laugh in public place due to the expectation of good behavior, drink in pubs with men, put the menstrual cup in bodies because it makes men feel anxiety about controlling us.
7+8. She suffers different blames that girls do not treat themselves very well. They ruined herself, so they deserved treatment like slut-shaming, being sexually abused, humiliated or harassed and all of the situations judge as her fault.
9+10. “As a woman, why don't you know how to protect yourself?”
“It was you who volunteered to have those naked pictures taken.”
The woman’s body and sexual desire, all kinds of things related to this aspect are suppressed. Whenever a woman who is interested in sex or explore it and wants to know, people will condemn her "You can't do this, shame on you for doing this thing."
Witch's Room 3:Sexual express (Detail)


Witch's Room 3:Sexual express (Detail)
