Alternatives for self-knowledge 

In my masterwork, I am researching a self-knowledge related board game based on the principles of the Q-sort, the purpose of which is to strengthen the importance of self reflection in the players, as well as to help understand real feedbacks. 

During the game, the players give feedback to each other, based on different situations and qualities. At the same time, they can build their own system through associations, using the simply shaped totems. 

The game’s mission is to generate discussions about self-evaluation, and it can provide an opportunity to develop the players self-knowledge and give or recieve feedbacks.

Product design: Aliz Török
Photo credit: Aliz Török

Product Design MA | Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design | Hungary | 2017


Self-knowledge related board game based on the principles of the Q-sort. Strengthen the importance of self reflection in the players, as well as Read More
